Wednesday, September 3, 2008

my weird man

My man drive me nuts almost all the time. He is not the usual boyfriend, fiance or husband type. I think he is from outerspace. His way of expressing himself is weird and he snaps really quickly when he feels hot, bothered or when things does not happen the way he wants it to. I have learnt to breath in, hold my tongue for 10s when such incidents happen and wait for my own quick burst of temper disperse before I face him so as to avoid arguements.

He is not the type that would gaze into my eyes and profess his love, nor will he kiss or hug me spontaneously. Being a typical cancerian, I crave affection and this ice cool man drives me nuts. In fact I lamented to him that we should probably not take bridal photos which typically has the couple gazing at each other and very apparently in love. He does not know how to gaze at me lovingly! We may end up looking at strangers who happen to be in the same shot!

Yet as I accept my choice (see previous post) and convinced myself I can survive with a life with my icy man, he surprises me with some warm gestures. Like offering to chip in for my folk's new refridgerator. It is really not about the $$ but I was all fuzzy inside simply cos he thought deeper and was so considerate. So guess what? I have saved the address of the raved peranakan vegetarian restaurant so as to reciprocate with a fuzzy dinner with his mum when he is back.

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