had a big bag of potatoes from Gaint for only 75cents. Used half for the jap curry and the other half had me staring at it for 5 minutes. Then with some slight idea how I would like to have it roasted/baked and creamy, i came out with this winner dish which had the normally stingy with praise man give it thumbs up and asked for more =)
As i cook using guesstimation there are never accurate measurements, go by feeling ok
1. Mix in a bowl some japanese mayonaise (kewpie) and normal kraft mayonaise about 50% each
2. Add a small handful of shredded pizza cheese
3. Sprinkle some black pepper and rosemary, mix and taste, it can be slightly salty as potatoes are quite bland. Set aside.
4. Wash, peel and thinly slice the potatoes as thin as possible, the thinner the better, mine was about 1-2mm each
5. Fry it in olive oil till the edges are slightly browned
6. Lay alternate layers of the potatoes and the mixture in a bowl, do not have to be neat just try to have the mixture spreaded evenly so every bite gets some.
7. Bake on 180 deg celcius for 15 minutes
try it its fragrant and yet creamy. Yummz. You can also try to sprinkle some shredded cheese on top before baking. Ought to be nice too.
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