Wednesday, March 4, 2009

hello again

I have stopped blogging for some time as I am just swamped by things to do be it at work or for the wedding. Sometimes I really have the urge to write as I used to in the past with my previous xanga blog but somehow I get distracted.

I am now hoping to get the N97 which will offer a large LCD and with wireless available easily perhaps i can blog remotely through the phone? Now when will it be launched???? Love the outlooks though I am a little worried that it may be too bulky.
Not keen on a iphone as I feel too many people has it and i kinda like the option of having a actual QWERTY keypad. I have survived 9 mths with the crappy $100 replacement phone ever since my last Samsumg drowned in the toilet. Think I deserve to reward myself now!

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