Thursday, August 21, 2008

Guessimation Cooking

I am not one who can follow recipes. I cannot measure this, weigh that to precision as per stated. I am also not able to buy exactly every single ingredient. Some recipes ask for 1 pinch of lemon zest for e.g. so what am I to do with the lemon later after taking 0.1% of the skin only? Or those that ask for 1/2 a stalk fo lemon grass, firstly I cannot find anywhere that sells me 1 stalk only so I will end up with a bunch only to make use of 1/2 stalk. See not environmentally friendly la to waste food!

So I rely very much on guessimation and substitution on whim. Yeah sometimes the results are ok but sometimes not so. As such although I do accumulate my own pile of recipes, I usually just flip thru for ideas, wait for the light bulb to go Ting and then I will make something up that may totally not use similar ingredients. There were some wonderful yummy dishes and some which the man just refuse to take another mouth of =P

However this method cannot work when it comes to baking. My attempt at baked donuts turned out disarsterous. It was like a chewy tasteless pale yellow glob. Yucks!

I am however most motivated to try to make the measurements when baking for Daddy, I am not biased but Daddy is diabetic and he is deprived of alot of desserts and baked products. I was so happy when he loved the sugarless scones with nuts. Now I have found a recipe for savory bread with no sugar too. Let's hope there will be some free time to try this out this weekend.

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